Who can sign up to train? 

Any law-abiding and able US citizen 18 years old or older. "Law-abiding" means those citizens legally allowed to own a firearm with no felony convictions. "Able" means physically and mentally able to train safely and responsibly in a class involving the use of live firearms around other people. Responsible minors 16 years old or older may attend with parent or guardian permission. 

What if I don't have the right gear?

One reason to train to find out and confirm what "right" is for you.  CMT can loan or rent common equipment such as firearms and magazines, ammo pouches, belts and similar items for use during the class. 

Some CCH classes out there cost less. Why should I take NC CCH from CMT?

The simple answer is you get what you pay for. Quality training is an investment. Carrying a concealed handgun involves a significant amount of knowledge, skill and commitment to carry responsibly, and if necessary, employ your handgun effectively. CMT does not strive for the minimum, and our standards are higher than most other training venues in the state. Our instructors have decades of practical experience and our classes are smaller, allowing for more personal coaching. You will not only learn to shoot effectively at a foundational level, but also learn how your firearm operates, conduct efficient gun handling, as well as the fundamentals of mindset and tactics in addition to all state mandated requirements in more advanced classes. Ultimately, you are learning the basics of how to fight with a gun. When you are done will be more capable and confident than if you had attended a lesser course.

What type of handgun should I bring?

We recommend a modern, compact or full-sized striker-fired semi-auto pistol for most shooters in a common defensive caliber. Examples include the Glock 19, Sig 320, or S&W M&P 9/40. The majority of modern professional shooters, the military and law enforcement use striker-fired pistols for a reason. While single-action, double-action and DA/SA pistols or revolvers do work, it is easier for most people to learn on a handgun which is robust, simple to operate, has a significant magazine capacity, and an acceptable trigger out of the box. Likewise, handguns that are too big, too small, have a long trigger press, or small control surfaces may be more challenging to shoot accurately or manipulate efficiently.

What if the weather is bad?

Classes will typically go rain or shine. We don't always get to choose when the fight comes to us, or the conditions it happens in. So, prepare for it. Adverse weather is an opportunity to test your gear and yourself. However, if dangerous weather is forecast, or it is so bad that safety or positive learning will be adversely impacted, the class may be shortened or rescheduled. Any tuition for shortened classes will be pro-rated as required. 

What if I need to leave the class early?

Tuition will not be pro-rated for those who leave early. Only students who have safely participated and properly demonstrated the skills covered in class will receive a certificate of completion, which is usually a pre-requisite for more advanced courses. 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What if I sign up then cannot attend?

Life happens. However, if you sign up then cannot make it to the class, you need to contact the instructor no later than 24 hours before class to allow another student the opportunity to attend. One change per class, per student is allowed. Class size is typically limited to 10 students. Prospective students who sign up for a full class will be put on a waiting list and contacted if an opening becomes available.

I am already an experienced shooter. How can I validate a course?

CMT strives to maintain high standards. While we realize that there are many shooters who may have previous training and experience, that does not always translate to an ability to shoot to a high standard on demand. In addition, standards are often subjective and vary widely between groups and individuals. Those with relevant practical shooting experience or training may include:

  • Active military or law enforcement.

  • Those who hold a ranking of sharpshooter or higher from a practical shooting organization (ex: IDPA or USPSA).

  • Anyone who has graduated successfully from a 3-day or longer class from a well-recognized firearms training school in the last three years (ex: Gunsite Academy, Thunder Ranch or similar).

In general, those wishing to validate any Level 100 course must gain prior instructor approval and may be required to pass one of the following drills within two attempts:

  • HANDGUN: Triple Nickel drill - starting from the holster, on signal shoot 5 rounds at 5 yards in 5 seconds to an 8-inch COM circle on an IDPA or similar target. Scoring: All hits must be inside the 8-inch circle (not breaking the line) within the time limit to pass.

  • CARBINE: Carbine El Pres - starting at 25 yards facing three IDPA or similar targets spaced two feet apart, rifle loaded with at least 6 rounds, with magazine of at least 6 rounds on belt. On signal, from low ready, shoot 2 rounds to each A-Zone/COM circle, speed reload, then 2 more rounds to each COM circle. Total of 12 rounds (4 rounds per target). Par time is 12 seconds. Scoring: Raw score +/- total time bonus or penalty. Every hit in the COM circle or breaking the line is 5 points. Hits anywhere else in the body or head are 2 points. Total raw score possible = 60. Every second over 12 subtract 5 points. Every second under 12 add 5 points. Round to nearest half second (ex: 11.49 = 11 seconds). Minimum score to pass: 40

Address any questions regarding class validation to the instructor no later than 72 hours before class.

Can I use a .22 caliber firearm for class?

Though .22 caliber can be used for self-defense, it is not optimal for several reasons. While not prohibited, we discourage use of .22 caliber in class unless the student has a disability or cannot safely handle the recoil of a larger caliber.